學生: 黃泰翔 中文四 49011034
1. What is the importance of private property in civilization?
Because this indicates that the people escaped from in primitive society, because of the productivity lowly, the product without surplus, having no idea of the private property, that is to say the creation of the private property indicated that the social productivity raises, have the product of the surplus, then would have the situation creation of dividing into the work, the civilization will therefore accelerate the growth.
2. What is the connection between irrigation systems and civilization?
The people know although the river water deluge can destroy the crop, also can provide the more rich soil, so start irrigating the system initially. Along with irrigate the scale to extend, started appearing the specialized management to irrigate the person of the system, develop the first ruling class gradually, the civilization produces from here namely. Also there is standpoint saying, irrigating the system is the result that civilization develop, not cause.
3. Why did the earliest civilization emerge in Mesopotamia?
The Mesopotamia is second to break first each from independent appearance, appeared the intensive settlement in resident, so compare to appear the public power early, bearing the civilization.
4. How did the Sumerians politically organize early Mesopotamia?
Sumerians politically organize early Mesopotamia are the city nation system of the military democracy in early days.
5. What factors defined civilization in Sumerian culture?
Writing and afterwards the invention of the cuneiform writing are the factors.
6. Why were cities important in Mesopotamian civilization?
In the Mesopotamia because the social economic development needs, relying on to have the organization city economy gradually to substitute that lax agriculture community. Therefore, this is why cities are important in Mesopotamian civilization.
7. Was writing indispensable to civilization?
The writing can reserve many history experiences and record, so it can become an index sign that accelerates to make progress in the civilization. If have no writing, then the civilization progress may be very slow-moving, even on a certain degree then stop the progress. So the writing is necessary to the civilization.
8. What are some of the great social losses associated with civilization?
The civilization compared the not civilized society to produce the larger opposite inequality, more horrifying war, more crimes of kind, more cullion, more standard and system, in a word, the civilization brought to the person more of enjoy, but also brought more agonies.
9. What was the form of political organization in ancient Egypt?
Early on, Egypt moved toward a strong kingship. Egyptian kings, ultimately called pharaohs, were seen as contacts between gods and people, and ultimately as gods themselves. And priests often controlled the kings, insisting on elaborate rituals to which kings had to conform. Egyptian politics tended to be authoritarian and centralized, though people often ruled by kings, also provided the opportunity for councils and other participatory institutions.
10. What other early centers of civilization developed in the middle east and Africa besides Mesopotamia and Egypt?
At middle east, many businessman move outwardly, due to trading with eastern businessman or going on expedition into Mediterranean to even exceed, and to India.
In addition, at were inherited the Kush Kingdom of Africa in Egypt, the scope that follow that Nile develops, enough strong to conquer the neighbor of its north and governances its good several centuries.
- Jun 02 Thu 2005 13:42