Ancient Egypt 古代埃及
埃及文明於西元前 3000 年沿著尼羅河在東北非成形。
埃及人得益於貿易,並且工藝影響了美索不達米亞,但是, 他們產生了很不同的社會和文化。
比美索不達米亞更穩定和藉由沙漠避免這個主要的侵略路線, 埃及文明繁榮了超過於 2000 年, 開始衰弱大約在西元前 1000 年。
On Being a God King一作為上帝國王當神王時
在早期, 埃及朝向一個強力的王權邁進。
埃及國王,最後稱為法老,被視為神和人們之間的聯繫, 並且最終就像神本身。
早期的國王被認為是一個神的化身-Horus, 在死後成為另一個神-地獄判官。
而且祭司時常控制了國王, 堅持國王必須遵守的精細儀式。
儘管大的權力﹐它不總是清楚是誰執行的 - 一種在世界歷史中不不尋常的情形。
Basic Patterns of Egyptian Society / 埃及的社會的基本典型(埃及社會生活的部分)
大約在西元前5000年,耕作已經沿著尼羅河發展, 僅僅一些時間(且)在西元前3200年經濟的發展加速,部份是由於和其他的區域的貿易成長,包括美索不達米亞。
然而,經由相同的表徵, 相對於美索不達米亞的城邦風格,埃及的政治傾向更獨裁和更集中的, 雖然常處於國王的統治下,但也提供會議的機會和其他的參與的制度。
藉著 3100 B.C.E. Narmer ,埃及南部的國王,征服了北方的地區的王國而且創造了統一 600 哩長的國(州). (地圖 2.1)
這國是到最後 3000 年。 儘管一些重要的瓦解分裂﹐這是安定的一筆令人驚異的紀錄,即使文明的最好的活力在大約 1000 B.C.E. 被用盡了
在 2000 年期間在那一個埃及顯示了它最好的精力, 社會經過三個主要的君主政體 (老,中, 和新的王國) 的時期,每個在一世紀或二世紀之前從它的接班人混亂分開。
晚在埃及歷史中的一位法老 , Akhenaton,試著使用他的力量安裝重新一個神的宗教,更換埃及的眾神廟。
當神只有雖然說 Akhenaton 的時候,它建議了牧師力量的結束。
它被用來紀念他們的崇高,許多法老建造金字塔以供死後他們自己和他們的家庭和全體職員居住, 指揮達到 100000位男工作人員去拖和舉起石頭。
第一個巨大的金字塔被建造大約 2600 B.C.E.; 最大的金字塔跟隨(著產生)大約在一世紀之後, 花 20 年完成而且包含二百萬範圍的石頭, 每個秤重 5.5 噸.(圖 2.5)
最近的空中的發現揭露 , 早期的埃及人建造至少一個車道到石頭採石場﹐但是道路不在金字塔的年齡期間被使用。
死亡儀式意味著關心藉著擴展或組織至以信念為基礎的死後生活, 經過政治﹐死亡和生活可能被控制。
Ancient Egypt 古代埃及
Egyptian civilization formed by 3000 B.C.E in northeastern Africa along the Nile River.
埃及文明於西元前 3000 年沿著尼羅河在東北非成形。
The Egyptians benefited from trade and technological influence from Mesopotamia, but they produced a very different society and culture.
埃及人得益於貿易,並且工藝影響了美索不達米亞,但是, 他們產生了很不同的社會和文化。
Egypt’s distinctive flavor showed in its rich art and massive monuments.
More stable than Mesopotamia and protected from the main invasion route by the desert, Egyptian civilization flourished for more than 2000 years before beginning to decline about 1000 B.C.E.
比美索不達米亞更穩定和藉由沙漠避免這個主要的侵略路線, 埃及文明繁榮了超過於 2000 年, 開始衰弱大約在西元前 1000 年。
On Being a God King一作為上帝國王當神王時
Early on, Egypt moved toward a strong kingship.
在早期, 埃及朝向一個強力的王權邁進。
Egyptian kings, ultimately called pharaohs, were seen as contacts between gods and people, and ultimately as gods themselves.
埃及國王,最後稱為法老,被視為神和人們之間的聯繫, 並且最後成為他們自己的神(最終就像神本身)。
Early kings were seen as manifestations of one god, Horus, and became another god, Osiris, after death.
早期的國王被認為是一個神的化身-Horus, 在死後成為另一個神-地獄判官。
Pharaohs were often show as huge figures in art, towering over their subjects.
Their power also showed in the practice of burying servants with a dead pharaoh, so they could help him in the next life.
But for all these claims, kings faced limits also.
Popular writings often treated them irreverently, which means that it is hard to tell how much ordinary people believed the references to godhood.
And priests often controlled the kings, insisting on elaborate rituals to which kings had to conform.
而且祭司時常控制了國王, 堅持國王必須遵守的精細儀式。
Despite the big claims, it was not always clear who ruled-a situation not uncommon in world history.
儘管大的權力﹐它不總是清楚是誰執行的 - 一種在世界歷史中不不尋常的情形。
Basic Patterns of Egyptian Society / 埃及的社會的基本典型
Unlike Mesopotamia and the Middle East, where a river valley civilization ultimately spread throughout an entire region, Egyptian civilization from its origins to its decline focused on the Nile River and the deserts immediately around it.
不像美索不達米亞和中東,一個河谷文明最終擴延遍佈一整個的區域, 埃及的文明從它的起源到它的衰微重心集中在尼羅河和沙漠。
The Nile’s steady flow is marked by predictable flood surges.
This also gave a more optimistic cast to Egyptian culture.
It could be seen as a source of never-failing bounty to be thankfully received rather than as a menacing cause of floods, as with Mesopotamia rivers.
它可能被視為不絕的慷慨的一個來源慶幸地被收到不願如一個威嚇洪水的因素, 當做由於美索不達米亞河。
Farming had been developed along the Nile by about 5000 B.C.E., but some time before 3200 B.C.E. economic development accelerated, in part because of growing trade with other regions, including Mesopotamia.
大約在西元前5000年,耕作已經沿著尼羅河發展, 僅僅一些時間(且)在西元前3200年經濟的發展加速,部份是由於和其他的區域的貿易成長,包括美索不達米亞。
This acceleration was the basis for the formation of regional kingdoms.
Unlike Sumer, Egypt moved fairly directly from precivilization to large government units without passing through a city-state phase, although the first pharaoh (king), Narmer, had to conquer a number of petty local kings around 3100 B.C.E.
Egypt always had fewer problems with political unity than Mesopotamia did, in part because of the unifying influence of the course of the Nile River.
Be the same token, however, Egyptian politics tended to be more authoritarian and centralized, for city-states in the Mesopotamian style, though often ruled by kings, also provided the opportunity for councils and other participatory institutions.
然而,經由相同的表徵, 相對於美索不達米亞的城邦風格,埃及的政治傾向更獨裁和更集中的, 雖然常處於國王的統治下,但也提供會議的機會和其他的參與的制度。
By 3100 B.C.E. Narmer, king of southern Egypt, conquered the northern regional kingdom and created a unified state 600 miles long (Map 2.1). / 藉著 3100 B.C.E. Narmer ,埃及南部的國王,征服了北方的地區的王國而且創造了統一 600 哩長的國(州). (地圖 2.1)
This state was to last 3000 years. Despite some important disruptions, this was an amazing record of stability, even though the greatest vitality of the civilization was exhausted by about 1000 B.C.E. / 這國是到最後 3000 年。 儘管一些重要的瓦解分裂﹐這是安定的一筆令人驚異的紀錄,即使文明的最好的活力在大約 1000 B.C.E. 被用盡了
During the 2000-year span in which Egypt displayed its greatest vigor, the society went through three major periods of monarchy (the Old, the Intermediate, and the New Kingdoms), each divided from its successor by a century or two of confusion. / 在 2000 年期間在那一個埃及顯示了它最好的精力, 社會經過三個主要的君主政體 (老,中, 和新的王國) 的時期,每個在一世紀或二世紀之前從它的接班人混亂分開。
In all its phases Egyptian civilization was characterized by the strength of the pharaoh. / 在它所有的時期中埃及的文明被法老的力量描述了特徵。
The pharaoh was held to be descended from gods and he was attributed the power to ensure prosperity and control the rituals that ensured the regular flow of the Nile and the fertility derived from irrigation. / 法老被當作著神的被降,而且他被歸於力量確定繁榮並且控制確定尼羅河的一般流程和生產力起源於灌溉的儀式。
Much Egyptian art was devoted to demonstrating the power and sanctity of the pharaoh. / 大部分埃及的藝術是展範法老的力量和神聖。
An extensive bureaucracy was recruited from the landed nobles and trained in writing and law. / 廣泛的官僚從擁有土地的貴族被招募,並且以文字和法律方式訓練。
Governors were appointed for key regions and were responsible for supervising irrigation and arranging for the great public works that became a hallmark of Egyptian culture. / 州長對於關鍵的區域被任命為多數的大眾工作負責監督灌溉和安排,並且為變成埃及的文化的一個純度檢驗證明。
Most Egyptians were peasant farmers who were closely regulated and heavily taxed. / 大多數的埃及人是嚴密地被管理並且農夫被課很重的稅。
Given the importance of royal rule and the belief that pharaohs were gods, it is not surprising that each of the main periods of Egyptian history was marked by some striking kings. / 法老是神這是給予王室重要的規則和信念,每一個埃及歷史的主要時期被一些醒目的國王標示了,這不是令人驚訝。
Early in each dynastic period, where a new family line took power, leading pharaohs conquered new territories. /早在每個王朝的時期中,一個新的家庭線取得政權,引領法老征服了新領土。
Sometimes they pressed up the Nile River into present-day Sudan and once even moving up the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East. / 有時他們沿尼羅河上壓進現在的蘇丹,曾有一次甚至移至中東的地中海沿岸。
Late in Egyptian history one pharaoh, Akhenaton, tried to use his power to install anew one-god religion, replacing the Egyptian pantheon. / 晚在埃及歷史中的一位法老 , Akhenaton,試著使用他的力量安裝重新一個神的宗教,更換埃及的眾神廟。
This was a dramatic assertion of royal authority. / 這是王室權威的戲劇性斷言。
As the god spoke only though Akhenaton, it suggested the end of priests’ power. / 當神只有雖然說 Akhenaton 的時候,它建議了牧師力量的結束。
However, his effort failed against the powerful priesthood, and the controversy distracted him from military affairs, leading to some difficult wars. / 然而﹐他的努力失敗對抗有力的神職﹐而且論爭從軍事事件令他分心,導致一些困難的戰爭。
Historians debate whether his vision was simply a fascinating historical accident or has some larger significance about impulses toward a new kind of religious framework. / 歷史學家辯論是否他的視野只是迷人的歷史意外事件,或有一些較大的重要性對一種新的宗教性的架構之一時的念頭(衝動)。
it was to commemorate their greatness that many pharaohs built the pyramids to house themselves and their family and staff after death, commanding work crews of up to 100000 men to haul and lift the stones. / 它被用來紀念他們的崇高,許多法老建造金字塔以供死後他們自己和他們的家庭和全體職員居住, 指揮達到 100000位男工作人員去拖和舉起石頭。
The first great pyramid was built about 2600 B.C.E.; the largest pyramid followed about a century later, taking 20 years to complete and containing 2 million blocks of stone, each weighing 5.5 tons (Figure 2.5). / 第一個巨大的金字塔被建造大約 2600 B.C.E.; 最大的金字塔跟隨(著產生)大約在一世紀之後, 花 20 年完成而且包含二百萬範圍的石頭, 每個秤重 5.5 噸.(圖 2.5)
These monuments were triumphs of human coordination, for the Egyptians were not particularly advanced technologically. / 這些紀念塔是人類協調的勝利,因為埃及人的科技不是特別地先進。
They even lacked pulleys or other devices to hoist the huge slabs of stone that formed the pyramids. / 他們甚至缺乏了滑車或其他的裝置以升起形成金字塔的巨大厚板石頭。
Recent aerial discoveries reveal that early Egyptians built at least one roadway to the stone quarries, but roads were not used during the age of the pyramids. / 最近的空中的發現揭露 , 早期的埃及人建造至少一個車道到石頭採石場﹐但是道路不在金字塔的年齡期間被使用。
Masses of workers rolled stones over logs and onto Nile barges before assembling the massive monuments on the river’s banks. / 工人大眾滾動在圓木上的石頭直到尼羅河舢板之上,集合在河的岸上的龐大的紀念碑之前。
Some scholars have seen fundamental links between Egypt’s stable, centralized politics and its fascination with an orderly death, which gave rise to massive funeral monuments and preservation through mummification. / 一些學者已經用一個有秩序的死亡看到在埃及的馬房(平穩的),集權的政治和它的魔力之間的基本的連結,經過木乃伊化引起龐大的葬禮紀念碑和保存。
Death rituals suggested a concern with extending organization to the afterlife based on a belief that through politics, death as well as life could be controlled. / 死亡儀式意味著關心藉著擴展或組織至以信念為基礎的死後生活, 經過政治﹐死亡和生活可能被控制。
A similar connection between strong political structures and careful funeral arrangements developed in Chinese civilization, though with quite different specific religious beliefs. / 相似的連結在強健的政治結構和謹慎的葬禮安排之間,也在中國文明發展,雖然以相當不同的特性宗教性的信念。
- Jun 02 Thu 2005 13:43